Payment Plans Available– Payment plans may be available upon request. The payment plan must be agreed to prior to signing the contract, and all payments must be received as scheduled unless otherwise agreed to. I look forward to helping you reinvent yourself, find that perfect job, or hone your professional success skills. Money should not be a reason you do not continue to grow personally and professionally.
~ Jaynine Howard, owner, chief writer, and coach at JJ Howard & Associates.
*Each client is unique and deserves a program designed specifically to meet his/her unique needs. We do NOT do cookie-cutter resumes or generic resumes. All resumes are written for each specific client and their desired job postings.
Transition Resume Package
(1) Federal Resume
(1) Civilian Resume
(1) Master Resume
(1) Networking Resume
Cover Letter
LinkedIn Profile Setup
USAJobs, Indeed, ClearanceJobs, & ClearedJobs Accounts Setup
Video Tutorial - How to Review Job Announcements and Update Your Resume & Cover Letter
Video Tutorial - How to Maximize LinkedIn
(3) Coaching Sessions
Adjunct Faculty Package
(1) Resume
Cover Letter
Teaching Philosophy Essay
Assemble Package
Apply for Jobs Only- contact me for a quote.
Me on Retainer for 1 Year- $400
This is for my returning client that wants (1) an update to your resume & LinkedIn profile, research conducted on your industry w/a written report provided, and career strategy sessions.
2024 Career Success Programs
Civilian Resume
(1) Civilian Resume
Cover Letter
LinkedIn Profile
Investment Levels Based on Career Level
Entry Level
Mid-Level Management
Directors & Executives
Coaching Strategy Sessions
90 Day Program - $1800
6 Sessions - $900
1 Session - $175
I am here to reduce the stress and negativity associated with job hunting!
This is a six-month program.
Federal Resume
Civilian Resume
Cover Letter
Careering Coaching Sessions
LinkedIn Profile
USAJobs, Indeed, ClearanceJobs, & ClearedJobs Accounts Setup for You
Career Coaching Sessions
Some clients choose to meet weekly, and I have others who rarely use the sessions. These are for practicing interviewing, reviewing job offers, asking questions regarding the hiring process, etc. These are by appointment.
Emergency Laser-Focused Sessions
I am here to help you reach your goals. I understand that sometimes an emergency arises between your scheduled coaching sessions, and you may need to speak with me. I will do my very best to answer your call. If I cannot answer the phone immediately, I will return your call as soon as possible.
Texting & Calling
I encourage clients to send a text if they have a question that can be quickly answered via text. You may text me Monday through Thursday between 7am EST and 7pmEST - unless it is an emergency.
I Job Hunt, and I Apply for Jobs on Your Behalf
Job hunting is completed a minimum of twice a week by me. Some weeks I will be able to find numerous openings, and other weeks I may find nothing. I cannot control job postings. I will NEVER spam your resume to employers. I will apply for job postings you are immensely or highly qualified. On average, you can expect to have your civilian resume submitted to three to five jobs per week. Federal resumes require more work; therefore, you can expect to have one to three resumes submitted in a given week.
(1) Update to Your Resumes & (1) Update to Your LinkedIn Profile & Other Accounts
After working at your new job for 90 days, please provide me the information to update your resume and accounts.
Federal Resume
(1) Federal Resume
Cover Letter
LinkedIn Profile
USAJobs, Indeed, ClearanceJobs, & ClearedJobs Accounts Setup
Video Tutorial - How to Review Job Announcements and Update Your Resume & Cover Letter
Video Tutorial - How to Maximize LinkedIn
Program Descriptions Available for Downloading